5 Sustainable Practices to Nourish Yourself While Growing Your Small Biz
Running your own small business and having a life is no small task. Discover 5 ways to nourish yourself while you growing your business.
Life is hectic when you’re running your own small business! You are the CEO, COO, CFO, marketing and sales person, networking pro, technology guru,custodian, and copy room person. You are a bad-ass! And yet, you may be struggling to find that balance to be the friend, partner, parent, son/daughter you desire to be? I may not be able to help you with those technology issues that come up in the midde of a big project, but I can help you find at least one are that you can shift for better work/life balance.
- At least 5 tips and tricks that you can use immediately to help you find the balance you desire.
- A greater sense of ease and balance between your work & home life.
- Better listening skills
- Increase productivity
- Manage anxiety and reduce stress
- Increase creativity
- Help control emotions in a healthy way
This will be a fun and interactive Lunch & Learn at SHIF/T Work & Plan in downtown Frederick.
All are welcome!
$20 attendance fee covers light snacks and a workbook.
Please feel free to (BYOBL) bring your own bag lunch.
SHIFT Members attend for free. Please see Megan for your promocode.
Your Facilitator: Tara Cassidy, MS, NBC-HWC , helps busy GenX women transform their relationship to food and their bodies. Often we don’t understand that not only what we eat, but how we eat makes huge difference in our energy levels, brain fog, depression and a host of disturbing tummy trouble we don’t like to talk about. Ditch the diet mindset and discover simple, practical ways to find peace in your body again, or for the first time.
Tara’s desire is to help thousands of women find peace and ease with both food and their bodies and live a joyful life and appreciate the skin they are in.
Tara currently lives in Frederick, MD with her life-partner, young-adult son and aging rescue dog, Butch Cassidy.
She can be found on the web: www.cassidywellnesscoaching.com and on Facebook: @CassidyWellnessCoaching and has a FB Group to support women on their health journey: Feeding Your Confidence & Nourishing Your Soul