Curves Ahead Content Planning Workshop
Join Marketing Coach Melissa DiMercurio, founder of Curves Ahead Co. and creator of the GIRL BOSS MARKETPLACE, for an in-person marketing workshop.
TIME: Thursday, November 9th from 4:30PM -6:00PM
LOCATION: Shift Work + Play in Frederick, Maryland
TOPIC: During this marketing workshop, you’ll learn how to create valuable content for your small business consistently by building fool-proof monthly strategies. You’ll also learn Coach Melissa’s top Facebook advertising and email campaign tips. PLUS, you’ll network with fellow entrepreneurs in your community, including the vendors from our Girl Boss Marketplace pop ups and more.
GENERAL TICKET PRICE INCLUDES: A seat at the workshop event. A printed marketing workbook designed by Coach Melissa with guided exercises that you can take home to use immediately! Light refreshments.
On-site Babysitting Tickets are Available: Children must be between 2- 10 years old. Spaces are Limited. Please purchase 1 ticket per child.
Parents Please Note: The Playroom will open promptly at 4:20pm and close at exactly 6pm. Professional babysitters are staffed by Shift Work + Play. All children must be accompanied to a bathroom by a parent, you’ll receive a text message to your phone if your child needs assistance. Parents may not leave their children at the Shift Work + Play location unattended at any time, all parents must remain in the building.
SHOUT OUT: A big shout-out and thank you to Megan of Shift Work + Play for hosting us at her location in Frederick and for providing babysitting opportunities onsite for our small biz parents.
To learn more about Curves Ahead Co. visit www.curvesaheadco.com